Microdeal, UK |
1992 |
A500 |
side expansion port |
framegrabber and sound sampler
- grabs 160×160 images with 16 gray levels at up to 30 fps
- also supports 320×200, 320×512, 640×256 and 640×512 resolutions
- grabs colour images with the Microdeal ColourMaster
- can save images with 8, 16, 32, 64 (EHB) or 4096 (HAM) colours
- composite video input (RCA connector)
- brightness and contrast knobs on the back of the unit
- 8 bit mono sound sampler
- can digitise audio and video simultaneously but the samples are cleaner if recorded separately
- records samples in IFF, AVR and SPL formats and loads 8SVX and RAW files as well
- mono audio input (1× RCA)
- connects to the side expansion port – no passthrough connector