Serial: ?
- Mainboard: Commodore Business Machines, Inc. 386SX
- BIOS: Award Modular BIOS v4.20
- CPU: Intel 386
- Clock Speed: 25MHz
- RAM: 8MB
- Floppy: 3,5″ 1,44MB Chinon FZ-357
- Hard Drive: Seagate ST3144A [Type 23: 1001 | 15 | 17 = 130MB]
- Internal Connectors: 5x ISA 16bit, FDD and IDE
- Graphics: onboard [needs multisync flatscreens]
- External Connectors: Keyboard, Mouse, Parallel, COM1, COM2, VGA, Gameport, COMs @I/O card
- work performed:
- leaky battery removed. One corroded trace restored
- completely dismantled and cleaned, incl. FDDs
- corrosion on steel chassis removed (acid, glass fibre pen)
- PSU & 3,5″ FDD recapped with Rubycon brand 105° type
- Multi I/O card added due to defective onboard controller
- PSU re-painted in original color [back side and the side next to the battery [corrosion]]
- HDD backup [Ghost 2]
- notes:
- onboard FDD/HDD controller not working
- Floppy on I/O card also not working [not with any I/O card]