Serial: TY 009143185820
- display type: Stereo analog/digital RGB and Luma/Chroma video monitor
- 14″ [13″ viewable] 0.42mm dot pitch
- made in: Taiwan
- manufacturer: Philips
- voltage: 220-240V
- supported video input:
- analog RGB
├composite sync
├horizontal sync
└vertical sync - digital RGBi
- PAL separate
- PAL composite
- analog RGB
- video connectors:
- female 9-pin D-sub (DE9F) connector
- 2x RCA connector
- audio connectors:
- 2x RCA connector
- 1x stereo TRS (3.5 mm jack) connector
- maximum resolution: 640×512 (interlaced)
- release date: 1989
- chassis design: Commodore #4
- best matching for (by time and class):
- late Amiga 2000
- late Amiga 500
- Amiga 1500
1084S-P1 Instruction Manual
1084S-P1 Service Manual